7. Finishing Embossed tin for Two-colors

Embossed tin was originally painted in two colors. When restoring a trunk there are several ways to refinish the patterned tin.

Repaint in two colors to reproduce the original look of the embossing. First, remove any rust or loose paint from the tin. Prime with a good primer. Select an oil-based paint and paint the embossed tin all over. This color will be the color of the raised areas of the embossing. Allow at least 36 hrs to dry.

Select a color of water-based paint Copper, Silver or Gold for the recessed areas. Before starting to paint have a 2x4 block of wood and a roll of paper towels ready. Working with a small area quickly paint the water-based color over the oil-based color making sure to get the recessed areas covered completely. Wrap a paper towel around a block of wood then gently wipe over the embossed tin that you just painted and remove most of the color from only the raised areas. Use a clean piece of paper towel and wipe the water base color off until the raised areas show the original oil base color and the recessed areas are still covered with the water base color. If you do not like the way the panel turns out, use water to remove the paint and start over. Once you have the proper look at the embossed tin, let the paint dry and wipe it with a sheet of paint remover wipes.

A product called Miracle Wipes paint remover can be used then to remove any troublesome areas and add final touches. You can also wrap a paper towel around your finger and dampen with the Oop's liquid and rub lightly to sharpen up the detail between the 2 colors. Then take a small paintbrush and add background color back to enhance the background.


6. Canvas coverings


8. Renailing the trunk